Friday, March 25, 2022

Laravel Auth Login With Phone Or Email

First of all, we need to create a field to store our username in the database. So, let's change our default laravel migration file for users table. Open your create_users_table.php and add a username field of type string and unique. In this article, we will customize laravel default authentication functionality to login with both email or username.

laravel auth login with phone or email - First of all

We all know that laravel provide a nice basic authentication function out of the box where a user can register and login using email. We will take it further step adding a login with username also. Laravel handles user authentication by default through its 'auth' middleware.

laravel auth login with phone or email - So

We have created the required routes for authentication. Now we need to create controller class and class methods where we will input application logic. For the simplicity of tutorial, we have created only one controller for all routes. You can create seperate controller for register and login feature. Run the following command into Terminal to generate controller class. In step six, we need to add two input fields for username and phone number on the register page or in the resources/views/auth/register.blade.php file.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Open your createuserstable

Add or copy the code above and paste it under the input field name. Next, create a new database to experiment with creating a login feature with email, username or phone number with laravel 8 and jetstream livewire. If you are using xampp as a local development, please create a new database at localhost/phpmyadmin.

laravel auth login with phone or email - In this article

Here I give an example, I created a new database with the name laravel_jetstream_authentication. Then don't forget to also adjust the DB_DATABASE in the .env file as in the example above. Now that you have routes and views setup for the included authentication controllers, you are ready to register and authenticate new users for your application!

laravel auth login with phone or email - We all know that laravel provide a nice basic authentication function out of the box where a user can register and login using email

This command should be used on fresh applications and will install a layout view, registration and login views, as well as routes for all authentication end-points. A HomeController will also be generated to handle post-login requests to your application's dashboard. First let's add username input field to Users registration form. Go to register.blade.php present in resources/views/auth directory.

laravel auth login with phone or email - We will take it further step adding a login with username also

Add the following code after the name row to add a username input field. In the last step, please open the app/Providers/JetstreamServiceProvider.php file and add the code as below. In this file, we add logic to create a login feature with options using email, username and phone number. Notice how we use the hasVerifiedPhone method we created earlier in app/User.php.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Laravel handles user authentication by default through its auth middleware

Let's now create a view where users can provide their verification code. Notice how we use the userPhoneVerified method we created earlier in app/User.php. It provides a basic registration with minimal fields. The below form receives data to register with the laravel-login-authentication application. It uses browsers' default validation to apply the not-empty and email-format checkings.

laravel auth login with phone or email - We have created the required routes for authentication

First we need to make some changes to the login view particularly in E-Mail Address input field row. Go to login.blade.php file present in resources/views/auth directory. Now replace the first row in the form which the E-Mail Address input field with the contents below. In this fourth step, we need to update the user migration file by adding two new fields namely username and phone.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Now we need to create controller class and class methods where we will input application logic

It has created auth controllers to handle registration, login and logout, password confirmation, email verification, and password reset and update . For email verification mail, create registerMail.blade.php file at resources/views directory and input below HTML code into it. In this step, we will add required routes for register and login feature. Open routes/web.php file and add following routes into it. Now let's register the login routes in our app's routes/web.php file. Let me explain every change made in the Login Controller.

laravel auth login with phone or email - For the simplicity of tutorial

We have added a new username property which we will use to store whether the login field is email or username. This field will only have two values email or username. In the constructor, we are calling the findUsername method. We check weather the field is a valid email, if yes we set $fieldType to email otherwise username.

laravel auth login with phone or email - You can create seperate controller for register and login feature

Then we add the $fieldType with the input login in the request by using the merge method. Merge method basically merge a new input into the current request's array. Then we return the $fieldType which could either be email or username.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Run the following command into Terminal to generate controller class

Of course, your users table must include the string remember_token column, which will be used to store the "remember me" token. Your users table must include the string remember_token column, which will be used to store the "remember me" token. Laravel ships with several pre-built authentication controllers, which are located in the App\Http\Controllers\Auth namespace.

laravel auth login with phone or email - In step six

Each of these controllers uses a trait to include their necessary methods. For many applications, you will not need to modify these controllers at all. Registration works fine and im able to store the user phone to the users table. I have changed the input type for email to text on views/auth/login.php and im able to login with either username or email.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Add or copy the code above and paste it under the input field name

In this article, I am going to share the steps on how to log in with a google account using the socialite package in laravel app. By following the below-added steps, you can easily sign-in and signup with a Google Gmail account in laravel and can also use google authentication for login in laravel. We are using users table for authentication, but we are not using password field, instead we will use token field. So open user migration file at database/migrations directory and update password fields to below.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Next

In this article, we will go through how you can create register and login system without password in Laravel. We will use only email address to register and login. In the register, we will send link in the given email for email verification, while we will send login link everytime when user input email. This command should be used in fresh applications and will install a layout view, registration and login views, as well as routes for all authentication endpoints. Please run the laravel project using the php artisan serve command, then open the laravel project in the browser. Navigate to the register menu and register a new user.

laravel auth login with phone or email - If you are using xampp as a local development

After successfully registering, we will be directed to the dashboard page. After entering the dashboard page, please log out and try to login using the username and continue the login test using the phone number. Since we changed the name in the input field in the login form, so we also need to update the config/fortify.php file. In this first step, we need to install the latest version of laravel which we will try to implement to create a login feature with email, username or phone number.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Here I give an example

For laravel installation, you can use the laravel installer or use composer like the example above. At times, you might want to create an app that uses a phone number/password pair as a means of authentication, as opposed to the normal email/password pair. In some other cases, you are not necessarily using phone numbers as a means of authentication, but having a phone number is critical to your app. In such situations, it is very important you verify that the phone numbers your users provide are valid and functional. One way to do this is to give them a call and tell them a code that they will have to provide to your app. If you use Gmail, then you are probably familiar with the voice call verification it uses.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Then don

In this article, I will be showing you how to achieve that using Laravel and Twilio's excellent service. At times, you would possibly want to make an app that uses a phone number/password pair as a way of authentication, as against the traditional email/password pair. In another case, you're not necessarily using phone numbers as a way of authentication, but having a telephone number is critical to your app. In such situations, it's vital you verify that the phone numbers your users provide are valid and functional.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Now that you have routes and views setup for the included authentication controllers

A method to try to do this is often to offer them a call and tell them a code that they're going to need to provide to your app. If you use Gmail, then you're probably familiar with the voice call verification it uses. During this article, I will be able to be showing you ways to realize that using Laravel and Twilio's excellent service. Php artisan ui vue –auth command will create all of the views you need for authentication and place them in the resources/views/auth directory.

laravel auth login with phone or email

The ui command will also create a resources/views/layouts directory containing a base layout for your application. It saves us a lot of time building a custom login and registration system starting from scratch. In this step by step tutorial, we will guide you through building user registration and login using laravel's built-in authentication package. In this tutorial we have learned how to incorporate email authentication using Laravel.

laravel auth login with phone or email - A HomeController will also be generated to handle post-login requests to your application

We also addressed how our routes should be secured, thus stopping unauthorized users from accessing them. Therefore, you can use this experience to create more innovative applications. Openlogin.blade.php located at "resources/views/auth/", update the following code snippet to the email field.

laravel auth login with phone or email - First lets add username input field to Users registration form

In this post, I will share how to implement Laravel 8, 9 custom auth login and registration with username or email. Laravel additionally helps web developers to simplify their development process with clean and reusable code. Open create_users_table.php present in database/migrations directory. Add the username field in the up to store the username.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Go to register

To do this, copy the code below and replace it with the up method. Until here, the tutorial article makes a login feature with the option of using email, username or phone number in laravel 8 and jetstream this time. You can explore the authentication feature on jestream with the link below. For that please run the command as above on the terminal to start installing jetstream. Most web applications provide a way for users to reset their forgotten passwords.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Add the following code after the name row to add a username input field

Rather than forcing you to re-implement this on each application, Laravel provides convenient methods for sending password reminders and performing password resets. There are packages provided by Laravel to enable authentication in an application. It performs session-based authentication to validate the registered users. When sending a network call to the Laravel API, it performs token-based authentication. Laravel provides artisan command to create register and login feature in project. As per the above step, we are sending email verification and login mail to the registered email address.

laravel auth login with phone or email - In the last step

To send the email, we need to create mailable class and mail templates. In this step, we will create mailable classes RegisterMail and LoginMail. In the next step, we will create mail template file. Run the following Artisan commands one by one to generate mailable class.

laravel auth login with phone or email - In this file

This will create AuthController class at App/Http/Controllers/AuthController.php file. Now open this file and add class methods as we have registered into routes. Laravel provides simple authentication system out-of-the box. It provides register, login, logout and Email verification features in single command.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Notice how we use the hasVerifiedPhone method we created earlier in appUser

But have you wonder, you can even create authentication system without using password. By using this feature, user don't have to remember the password. Openregister.blade.php located at "resources/views/auth/", update the following code snippet to add a username field.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Lets now create a view where users can provide their verification code

Authentication is the process of identifying the user credentials. In web applications, authentication is managed by sessions which take the input parameters such as email or username and password, for user identification. If these parameters match, the user is said to be authenticated. When the user logs into the application he/she will be redirected to /home URL which will use the myHome.blade.php file to show the home page.

laravel auth login with phone or email - Notice how we use the userPhoneVerified method we created earlier in appUser

After adding username column in the database, it is also required to change laravel default authentication to accept username and save it in the database. Because our goal is to create a login feature with the option of using an email, username or phone number. The previous code can only be entered for the email type, and for the name we also change it to auth. The attempt method accepts an array of key / value pairs as its first argument.

laravel auth login with phone or email - It provides a basic registration with minimal fields

Friday, January 7, 2022

Verb In English Grammar In Hindi Pdf

Adverbs perform a wide range of functions. They typically modify verbs , adjectives , or other adverbs . They can also indicate a relationship between clauses or sentences . Words combine to form phrases. A phrase typically serves the same function as a word from some particular word class.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Adverbs perform a wide range of functions

For example, my very good friend Peter is a phrase that can be used in a sentence as if it were a noun, and is therefore called a noun phrase. Similarly, adjectival phrases and adverbial phrases function as if they were adjectives or adverbs, but with other types of phrases, the terminology has different implications. Pronouns are a relatively small, closed class of words that function in the place of nouns or noun phrases.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - They typically modify verbs

They include personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, relative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, and some others, mainly indefinite pronouns. The full set of English pronouns is presented in the following table. Nonstandard, informal and archaic forms are in italics. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs form open classes – word classes that readily accept new members, such as the noun celebutante , and other similar relatively new words. The others are considered to be closed classes. For example, it is rare for a new pronoun to enter the language.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - They can also indicate a relationship between clauses or sentences

Determiners, traditionally classified along with adjectives, have not always been regarded as a separate part of speech. Interjections are another word class, but these are not described here as they do not form part of the clause and sentence structure of the language. The copula be, along with the modal verbs and the other auxiliaries, form a distinct class, sometimes called "special verbs" or simply "auxiliaries". For more details of this, see do-support. Most of what are often referred to as verb tenses in English are formed using auxiliary verbs.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Words combine to form phrases

The auxiliaries shall and should sometimes replace will and would in the first person. For the uses of these various verb forms, see English verbs and English clause syntax. Modern English has largely abandoned the inflectional case system of Indo-European in favor of analytic constructions. The personal pronouns retain morphological case more strongly than any other word class .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - A phrase typically serves the same function as a word from some particular word class

For other pronouns, and all nouns, adjectives, and articles, grammatical function is indicated only by word order, by prepositions, and by the "Saxon genitive or English possessive" (-'s). Marked revision tests on tenses, going to, passive voice, conditionals, reported speech, time clauses, modal verbs, imperative and gerunds vs infinitives. Prepositions form a closed word class, although there are also certain phrases that serve as prepositions, such as in front of.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - For example

A single preposition may have a variety of meanings, often including temporal, spatial and abstract. Many words that are prepositions can also serve as adverbs. Examples of common English prepositions are of, in, on, over, under, to, from, with, in front of, behind, opposite, by, before, after, during, through, in spite of or despite, between, among, etc. The word what can be used to form a free relative clause – one that has no antecedent and that serves as a complete noun phrase in itself, as in I like what he likes. The words whatever and whichever can be used similarly, in the role of either pronouns or determiners .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Similarly

When referring to persons, who (and whom) can be used in a similar way . The word that as a relative pronoun is normally found only in restrictive relative clauses . It can refer to either persons or things, and cannot follow a preposition. For example, one can say the song that I listened to yesterday, but the song to which I listened yesterday. The relative pronoun that is usually pronounced with a reduced vowel , and hence differently from the demonstrative that .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Pronouns are a relatively small

If that is not the subject of the relative clause, it can be omitted . English determiners constitute a relatively small class of words. There are also many phrases that can play the role of determiners. There are also many adverbs that are not derived from adjectives, including adverbs of time, of frequency, of place, of degree and with other meanings.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - They include personal pronouns

Some suffixes that are commonly used to form adverbs from nouns are -ward (as in homeward) and -wise . Certain adjectives are classed as ungradable. These represent properties that cannot be compared on a scale; they simply apply or do not, as with pregnant, dead, unique. Consequently, comparative and superlative forms of such adjectives are not normally used, except in a figurative, humorous or imprecise context. Similarly, such adjectives are not normally qualified with modifiers of degree such as very and fairly, although with some of them it is idiomatic to use adverbs such as completely. Another type of adjective sometimes considered ungradable is those that represent an extreme degree of some property, such as delicious and terrified.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - The full set of English pronouns is presented in the following table

What Is Verb In English Grammar In Hindi In Old and Middle English, the roles of the three words were different from their roles today. A small holdover of this is the ability of relative whose to refer to non-persons (e.g., the car whose door won't open). The third-person singular forms are differentiated according to the sex of the referent. For example, she is used to refer to a female person, sometimes a female animal, and sometimes an object to which female characteristics are attributed, such as a ship or a country. A male person, and sometimes a male animal, is referred to using he. In other cases it can be used.

What Is Verb In English Grammar In Hindi

(See Gender in English.) The word it can also be used as a dummy subject, in sentences like It is going to be sunny this afternoon. Noun phrases are phrases that function grammatically as nouns within sentences, for example as the subject or object of a verb. Most noun phrases have a noun as their head.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Nouns

More generally, the ending can be applied to noun phrases (as in the man you saw yesterday's sister); see below. The possessive form can be used either as a determiner (John's cat) or as a noun phrase (John's is the one next to Jane's). Many common suffixes form nouns from other nouns or from other types of words, such as -age , -hood , and so on, although many nouns are base forms not containing any such suffix .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - The others are considered to be closed classes

Nouns are also often created by conversion of verbs or adjectives, as with the words talk and reading . A noun is an action or position of a subject. Verbs are words that show an action , occurrence , or state of being .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - For example

Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. The forms call, love, break, and go are all infinitives. English grammar Noun Verb PDF are available below for free download. Speaking already, Drive carefully, Listen vs. Hear, Finish vs. End, Modal Verbs, articles, Relative Pronouns, Present Tense and other english grammar questions...

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Determiners

Friends, we have given it in PDF form which you can easily download. Verb has three forms V1, V2, V3 and its fourth form is V4 is ing. A verb, from the Latin verbum meaning word, is a word that in syntax conveys an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. In the usual description of English, the basic form, with or without the particle to, is the infinitive. In many languages, verbs are inflected to encode tense, aspect, mood, and voice.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Interjections are another word class

The second-person forms such as you are used with both singular and plural reference. In the Southern United States, y'all is used as a plural form, and various other phrases such as you guys are used in other places. You can also be used as an indefinite pronoun, referring to a person in general , compared to the more formal alternative, one (reflexive oneself, possessive one's). Determiners are used in the formation of noun phrases .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - The copula be

Many words that serve as determiners can also be used as pronouns (this, that, many, etc.). English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded into wordings in the English language. This includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and whole texts. Parts of speech are the basic categories of words according to their function in a sentence. It is a category to which a word is assigned in accordance with its syntactic functions.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - For more details of this

English has eight main parts of speech, namely, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions & Interjections. In grammar, the parts of speech,also called lexical categories, grammatical categories or word classesis a linguistic category of words. In order to read or download verb forms v1 v2 v3 english to hindi ebook, you need to create a FREE account. This pdf have not Hindi meaning it contains 1000 verbs list and this pdf is published by getready learning classes hope you will like this pdf and share with others too.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Most of what are often referred to as verb tenses in English are formed using auxiliary verbs

The 3rd form of the verb is the past form and is used as past indefinite tense. It does not need any helping verb to support it as such. The 4th form is the past participle which is used in forming 3 perfect tenses in active voice and all 8 tenses in the passive voice.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - The auxiliaries shall and should sometimes replace will and would in the first person

JobsCaptain grammar guide will help you with verb tenses and many grammar rules. You shall find here grammar explanations and practice exercises to test yourself and see how much you have learned and what to focus on now. The forms of verbs play important role in English grammar. Verbs are useful for school-going students, spoken English students, Competitive exam aspirants, and more. A clause typically contains a subject and a predicate (a verb phrase in the terminology used above; that is, a verb together with its objects and complements). A dependent clause also normally contains a subordinating conjunction .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - For the uses of these various verb forms

Further, these pronouns and a few others have distinct possessive forms, such as his and whose. By contrast, nouns have no distinct nominative and objective forms, the two being merged into a single plain case. For example, chair does not change form between "the chair is here" and "I saw the chair" .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Modern English has largely abandoned the inflectional case system of Indo-European in favor of analytic constructions

Possession is shown by the clitic -'s attached to a possessive noun phrase, rather than by declension of the noun itself. For details of possible patterns, see English clause syntax. See the Non-finite clauses section of that article for verb phrases headed by non-finite verb forms, such as infinitives and participles. The word there in such sentences has sometimes been analyzed as an adverb, or as a dummy predicate, rather than as a pronoun. However, its identification as a pronoun is most consistent with its behavior in inverted sentences and question tags as described above.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - The personal pronouns retain morphological case more strongly than any other word class

The word there is used as a pronoun in some sentences, playing the role of a dummy subject, normally of an intransitive verb. The "logical subject" of the verb then appears as a complement after the verb. is an online Educational Platform, where you can download free PDF for UPSC, SSC CGL, BANK, RAILWAYS, RRB NTPC, LIC AAO, HSSC, Delhi Police and many other state level competitive exams. Our Study Material very important to the point of exams. Since/From का प्रयोग – भविष्य में बीते कल के किसी निश्चित समय से के साथ– The word 'since' is used to express the exact time in which the action started. Since का प्रयोग किसी निश्चित समय से के साथ– The word 'since' is used to express the exact time in which the action started.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - For other pronouns

Hello Friends...English subject is very important for every exams. In this post i am sharing with you how to learn english grammar easily with pdf. Non-finite verbs do not change their forms according to the number, person or tense of the subject. The iitflnitives, gerunds and participles are called non-Jinites. Dependency grammars reject the concept of finite verb phrases as clause constituents, regarding the subject as a dependent of the verb as well.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Marked revision tests on tenses

See the verb phrase article for more information. A preposition is usually used with a noun phrase as its complement. A preposition together with its complement is called a prepositional phrase.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Prepositions form a closed word class

Examples are in England, under the table, after six pleasant weeks, between the land and the sea. The adjectives good and bad have the irregular forms better, best and worse, worst; also far becomes farther, farthest or further, furthest. The adjective old also has the irregular forms elder and eldest, these generally being restricted to use in comparing siblings and in certain independent uses. For the comparison of adverbs, see Adverbs below. The basic form of an English verb is not generally marked by any ending, although there are certain suffixes that are frequently used to form verbs, such as -ate , -fy , and -ise/ize (realise/realize). Many verbs also contain prefixes, such as un- , out- , over- , and under- .

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - A single preposition may have a variety of meanings

Verbs can also be formed from nouns and adjectives by zero derivation, as with the verbs snare, nose, dry, and calm. Other pronouns in English are often identical in form to determiners , such as many, a little, etc. Sometimes, the pronoun form is different, as with none , nothing, everyone, somebody, etc. Many examples are listed as indefinite pronouns. Another indefinite pronoun is one (with its reflexive form oneself and possessive one's), which is a more formal alternative to generic you. In many contexts, it is required for a noun phrase to be completed with an article or some other determiner.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Many words that are prepositions can also serve as adverbs

It is not grammatical to say just cat sat on table; one must say my cat sat on the table. The most common situations in which a complete noun phrase can be formed without a determiner are when it refers generally to a whole class or concept and when it is a name (Jane, Spain, etc.). This is discussed in more detail at English articles and Zero article in English. Countable nouns generally have singular and plural forms.

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - Examples of common English prepositions are of

In most cases the plural is formed from the singular by adding -s , although there are also irregular forms (woman/women, foot/feet, etc.), including cases where the two forms are identical . For more details, see English plural. Certain nouns can be used with plural verbs even though they are singular in form, as in The government were ...

verb in english grammar in hindi pdf - The word what can be used to form a free relative clause  one that has no antecedent and that serves as a complete noun phrase in itself

Laravel Auth Login With Phone Or Email

First of all, we need to create a field to store our username in the database. So, let's change our default laravel migration file for u...